Custodian & Depo Bank/Fund Administration/Fiduciary

As the second-largest fund centre worldwide, Luxembourg is home to a diverse array of companies and banks providing fund administration, corporate and trust services, banking, and custody services.

Our clients range from one-stop shops offering the full suite of services to specialized firms focusing on specific areas. Whether you are a Custodian Bank, a Global Custodian Bank, or a Professional of Financial Services providing Fund Administration and/or Corporate services, we understand your unique business needs.

Our team possesses in-depth knowledge of the industry, including the nuances between Custody and Depositary Bank services, the distinction between Investment Compliance and Crime Compliance, the differences when managing Operations for mainstream versus alternative funds. This enables us to rapidly target the right talent.

We know our clients are facing several challenges, including regulatory changes, globalisation, digital transformation, cybersecurity, sustainability and ESG considerations, the changing workforce dynamics and talent acquisition. We are able to find highly skilled managers, taking into account criteria such as language skills, cultural fit, diversity and inclusion for our clients.

Below are some of the many mandates we were able to complete with success:
  • CEO
  • Head of Private Equity Business
  • Head of Private Assets Operations
  • Head of Compliance
  • Head of Depositary Bank
  • Head of Product Development
  • Head of Sales/Marketing

Attracting and retaining top talent is challenging, particularly in a competitive market like Luxembourg. Our success is built on maintaining strong relationships with both our clients and candidates. We strive to understand our clients' unique needs and culture, providing tailored search solutions that deliver exceptional leaders.
